Who You Really Are

Who You Really Are

How To Figure Out Who You Really Are and Why it Matters. Has anyone ever told you to ‘just be yourself?  It’s a piece of advice that sounds so simple and yet, in practice, can be very difficult. It naturally leads to the question, ‘if I’m to be myself, then who am I?’...
Meditation the calm amid the chaos

Meditation the calm amid the chaos

Meditation: How Ten Minutes a Day Can Provide Calm Amid the Chaos. I’m sure that you will already have heard about the multiple health benefits of meditation. Not too many years ago, meditation was seen as a strange, esoteric ritual that was strictly preserved for...
Inspired? How to inspire others and ourselves

Inspired? How to inspire others and ourselves

When was the last time you felt inspired? Was it from seeing someone achieve something remarkable, looking at a beautiful landscape or hearing a particular piece of music that resonated with you? Inspiration can strike us in all kinds of ways and can often leave a...
More Time, Your Health

More Time, Your Health

How To Make More Time To Look After Your Health According to the Oxford English Dictionary, ‘time’ is the most used noun in the English language. Our lives are dominated by the clock. You only have to listen to the way we talk about time to understand how time affects...
People & Purpose

People & Purpose

Why People and Purpose are just as important as Kale and Kettlebells People, purpose whats yours? It may surprise you to hear that there are many ways to improve your health and wellness that don’t include diet or exercise. It’s true. Although fitness and nutrition...