NLP, or Neurolinguistic Programming, is a therapeutic approach to help you overcome obstacles holding you back either in life or specifically in relation to your health.
It can be used to help a range of issues including panic, depression and phobias.
It can also create positive change in all aspects of your life, such as enhancing your performance at work.

- is how we all make sense of our own version of the world around and within us.
- offers solutions, is very practical and enables changes to be made quickly.
- this type of approach looks to change the subconscious patterns/strategies so repeated problems don’t reappear.
- It is based on how we all uniquely learn and excel.
- It can programme empowering thoughts and emotions using patterns, modelled on successful outcomes.
- offers a ‘toolkit’ of techniques, based on the study of human excellence
- gives us the tools to replicate others’ success in areas where we are currently underachieving.
- if a client doesn’t work particularly well with one tool there are alternatives.