Eustress is the type of stress that is good for us
- It gets us up to get to work or prep for an interview
- It gets us performing out of our comfort zone
- It helps us create fabulous work
- It’s thrilling and, on the whole, we like the buzz it gives us
Distress is not healthy and can work against us at many levels
- We don’t perform as well
- We become more anxious and irritable
- We don’t sleep as well which compounds the imbalance
- We don’t enjoy life as much as we could
Chronic stress – this is stress unabated for several months or even years and causes a pronounced effect in our body’s overall health and wellbeing.
The resultant changes, physiological, biochemical and behavioural changes due to our reaction to stress, creates a dangerous environment where serious illness can be exacerbated or even created. Resultant problems, both physical and mental, can lead to deterioration of health in many areas.
Dealing with external stressors internally and being able to use our own mind to proactively respond to them well – such as changing our perspective, responses and chosen behaviour – allows us to build a path out of the environment of chronic stress.
Coaching can help here by exploring the source of the internal stress and then looking at better ways to manage it and also creating more empowering beliefs thoughts and behaviours. We can then get back into controlI facilitate this with you at the centre.
If you want more information on whether I can help your own situation, please click here
If you are ready to meet on the phone click here to book a curiosity call
By exploring the source of the internal stress and then looking at better ways to manage it and also creating more empowering beliefs thoughts and behaviours. We can then get back in to control and begin to master our stress well. I facilitate this with you at the centre.
Dr Sue Smith
“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”
Hans Selye