Impactful Change

Impactful Change

Recently I had the honour of presenting to the Professionals in Partnership and the title of the talk was ‘Creating an impactful prescription for a Healthy Business Lifestyle’. I endeavoured to bring the merging of two concepts to the table. The idea of inner balance...
Treats and Self-Care

Treats and Self-Care

This weekend for the first time since a holiday in the sun [a few years ago now and for many of us I am sure], I took a siesta.  I had had a difficult and emotional week and I felt tired and foggy.  Yes, I went to lie down to rest and sleep for 30 mins.   I listened...
Let’s talk Pride and Potential

Let’s talk Pride and Potential

If everything you were doing right now paused; your career or role, your home or relationship, your health and fitness and, most profoundly, your life, would you feel you’d reached your potential? Would you be proud? I was asked that or a similar question recently and...
Spring into Spring with one step at a time

Spring into Spring with one step at a time

Are you ready to Spring into Spring? Shall we? Dare we? Can we?  Spring is a time to get things going for summer and a great time to reflect on last year’s steps and how to move these on.  Let’s do it! Let’s make this time of year BE the CHANGE. Let’s get healthy and...
Enjoyment and Engagement

Enjoyment and Engagement

How’s it all going for you? Are you feeling full engagement with your life? Have you, like me, found that one of the main impacts on my life with the series of lockdowns and constantly changing rules and advice from the last 2 years has been a reduction of a feeling...